Upgrade to latest GovCMS
Convivial for GovCMS is the perfect platform for those looking to upgrade their current GovCMS 7 installation.
Drupal 7 reaches end of life in November 2022. All current GovCMS 7 sites will need to upgrade before this date approaches as the platform will no longer be supported. If you are an owner of a GovCMS 7 site now is the time to consider your position and the next steps.
Morpht can help
If you wish to stay on the GovCMS platform there is a pathway to the latest Drupal version of GovCMS. Morpht, the developer supplier behind Convivial for GovCMS, can help you with this migration process. Please refer to our website for more information on GoveCMS upgrades.
For now you may prefer to continue to explore this demonstration of Convivial for GovCMS.
You now have the "audience.upgrade" intent
By visiting this "audience" page you have been given the intent of "upgrade". This value has been stored in your browser's lcoal storage and will be used to personalise your experience on the homepage. You will notice that the content there has been customised with a promotion block, news and events.